Libbitcoin Node

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The libbitcoin-node library provides an abstraction over the low level networking calls required to implement a full node on the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network. It was originally contained within libbitcoin.


The example expects the blockchain to be initialized in "./blockchain/" (see libbitcoin-blockchain/tools/initchain). The initialize_logging and display_result functions are omitted for brevity.

int main()
    std::string command;
    bc::payment_address address;
    initialize_logging("debug.log", "error.log");

    std::cout << "Starting up...";
    bc::node::fullnode node("blockchain");

    std::cout << "Type a bitcoin address or 'stop' to exit." << std::endl;
    while (true)
        std::getline(std::cin, command);
        if (command == "stop")

        if (!address.set_encoded(command))
            std::cout << "Invalid address." << std::endl;

        const auto fetch_handler = [&address](const std::error_code& code,
            const bc::chain::history_list& history)
            display_result(code, history, address);

        fetch_history(node.chain(), node.indexer(), address, fetch_handler);

    std::cout << "Shutting down...";

    return 0;

Console Application

The library is accompanied by the console application Bitcoin Node (bn). Bitcoin Node implements a full node on the Bitcoin P2P network. The initial (bn 2.0) release is an example, not intended for production use.


See Also
